7.14 Given the two functions (in C syntax): int cube (int x) { return x*x*x; } int sum (int x, int y, int z) { return x + y + z; } describe the process of normal order evaluation of the expression sum(cube(2), cube(3), cube(4)), and compare it to applicative order evaluation. In particular, how many additions and multiplications are performed using each method? 7.32 Describe the effect of the FORTRAN "spaghetti code" of Figure 7.6, Section 7.4. Write c/c++ statements without GOTOs that equivalent it. If not, explain why not. Figure 7.6 IF (X.GT.O) GOTO 10 IF (X.LT.O) GOTO 20 X = 1 GOTO 30 10 X= X + 1 GOTO 30 20 X= -X GOTO 10 30 CONTUNUE