
目前顯示的是 11月, 2008的文章



[MySQL]ERROR 1073 (42000) problem

solution1 我在某個地方找到的: ERROR 1073: BLOB column 'uri' can't be used in key specification with the used table type Is it supported with slide? If yes, please let me know how? Any help is welcome. In the mySQL docs: * Only the MyISAM table type supports indexing on BLOB and TEXT columns. When putting an index on a BLOB or TEXT column you MUST always specify the length of the index: CREATE TABLE test (blob_col BLOB, index(blob_col(10))); You could change the uri to varchar but... * Values in VARCHAR columns are variable-length strings. You can declare a VARCHAR column to be any length between 1 and 255, just as for CHAR columns. That's not very good, you can choose - transactions but uri limited to 255 chars - no limit but also no transactions If you can live with no transactions use the slidestore.mysql.MySQLDescriptorsStore that was created for older version of mySQL.

[BMP]BMP header reference

點陣圖(Bitmap)檔案格式 BMP file format

[Linux]把stderr 和stdout一起寫入檔案

普通要把執行程式的輸出寫入檔案通常會加個 > ./program > output.txt 但是這樣只會把標準輸出的結果寫到output.txt 通常比較重要的錯誤資訊都會透過stderr輸出 這樣的話利用 >導向檔案就沒辦法友stderr的資訊 這時候就要使用 >& ./program >& output.txt 如此一來就可以把stderr連同stdout一起存到檔案中

MIPS Instruction Reference



1.ipv4 轉 ipv6 2.區域網路設定 3. html <meta>的用處